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A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....
A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse: Workbook, Chapter Questions, Activities, Maps....

A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanass: The BIG Workbook

Regular price $21.00 Sale

Extensive workbook for A Distant Enemy by Deb Vanasse.
>33 pages

Table of Contents
Pg. 1: Novel workbook cover page
Pgs. 2-20: Chapter questions and vocab
Pg. 21: Setting Activity (based on novel)
Pg. 22: Alaskan Flag Activity
Pgs. 23-25: Subsistence Activities (based on novel)
Pgs. 26-27: Book Review Form. This is a reusable. It can be used for ANY book/story. A great resource all year long! Asks student to: describe protagonist, summarize book, tell if they recommend it (or not) and why, and rate it.
Pg. 28: Full page of video resources for classroom studies related to the novel
Pgs. 29-33: Answer Keys

>Covers the whole book
>Questions for every chapter
>188 chapter questions 
>Book Review Form at end is a reusable; can be used for ANY novel, a great resource.
>About 8% of questions are open-ended thought questions to encourage independent thinking. The rest have right/wrong answers.
>A couple questions ask students to sketch a scene
>Vocabulary activity for each chapter

Chapter Questions
Four types of questions in each chapter:
  • Short Response (complete sentences not required)
  • Complete Response (complete sentences required)
  • True/False
  • Multiple Choice
Example Questions
-The fish drying racks by the river were…
(A) full (B) empty (C) less than half full (D) missing
-What is the meeting at the community center about?
(A) Joseph’s grades (B) the new city manager (C) an election (D) the fishing closure
-Would Joseph tell the lie about Mr. Townsend again if he had the chance? (A) no (B) yes (C) only if Simon knew (D) yes, if he could spread the story himself
-What did Joseph know, but did not tell grandfather?
-Why did Joseph and grandfather dry the fish inside the smokehouse instead of outside?
-Describe the exact arrangement Mr. Townsend makes between Joseph and the troopers.
-Grandfather thinks people must discover their own mistakes and correct themselves.
-Most news in the village comes from the TV.
-The rumor became beyond Joseph’s control.
-Using the welding torch made Joseph feel powerful.
<>Resources designed for struggling learners. Great modified resource for struggling learners. Novel workbook comprehension questions are not all higher order thinking (a few are); they are roughly 7th grade level.

>A great reading alternative for high schoolers who are below grade level or are reluctant readers.

Same resource on TeachersPayTeachers: $25

See ALL A Distant Enemy Resources Here
(tests, journal, workbook)

"Growing up in an Eskimo village, Joseph struggles against changes that endanger his traditional way of life. Fueled by resentment of his long-absent father, his anger and hatred intensify until a brush with death forces him to confront all that threatens to destroy him."